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Transfer, Promotion and Office Order
Transfer and postings of following members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service.Vide Office Order No. 10/FIN/Acctt, Dated: 25.07.2023
Transfer and Promotion of following members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service.Vide Office Order No. 01/FIN/SSAS, Dated: 13.04.2023
Relieving Order of an employee of Police Department vide Order No.0157/POL/CID/ADM/49. Dated: 28.02.2023
Transfer and posting of Employee under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Order No. 43/Fin/SSAS, Dated: 22.02.2023
Transfer and posting of Employee under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Order No. 42/Fin/SSAS, Dated: 13.02.2023
Transfer and posting of Employee under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Order No. 18/Fin/SSAS, Dated: 28.07.2022
Relieving Order of an employee Order No. 148/DC/N, Dated: 29.07.2022
Relieving Order of an employee Order No. 146/DC/N, Dated: 28.07.2022
Transfer and posting of Employee under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Order No. 15/Fin/SSAS, Dated: 21.07.2022
Transfer and posting of following members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Order No. 10/Fin/SSAS, Dated: 09.06.2022
Transfer and posting of following members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Order No. 09/Fin/SSAS, Dated: 09.06.2022
Re-designated as Secretary(Revenue) Finance Department. Vide Office Order No. 1682/G/DOP, Dated: 27.05.2022
Transfer and postings of following members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service.
The transfer and postings of following members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Vide Office Order No. 15/FIN/ACCTS, Dated: 20.01.2021
In view of the Office Order No 3690/G/DOP dated 07.12.2020, status quo of the work arrangement of the earlier Secretary Revenue shall stand. Vide Office Order No. FIN/ADM/01/C/128/146, Dated: 11.12.2020
Extention of Service Of the employee for the period of one year in Building And Housing Department. Vide Office Order No. 12/FIN/SSAS, Dated: 24.11.2020
Following the retirement and posting of officers in the Finance Department. Accordingly, the changes are hereby made in the working arrangement of the officers in partial modification of O.O.No.177/Fin/Adm. Vide Office Order No. /FIN/ADM/116, Dated 15.10.2020
Re-employment of retired employee for the period of 1(One) year, under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services. Vide Office Order No. 11/Fin/SSAS, Dated 14.10.2020
Transfer of employee from Rural Development Department, Gyalzing West Sikkim to Power Department Gangtok, Vide Office Order No. 09/Fin/SSAS, Dated 30.09.2020
With the approval of Government, the service of employees placed in the office of the Directors, Treasury, Pay and Accounts Office and Finance Department(HQ) Vide Office Order No. 122/Gos/Fin, Dated 29.09.2020
Transfer of employee to Block Administrative Centre, Chongrang, West Sikkim Vide Office Order No. 08/Fin/SSAS, Dated 28.08.2020
Promotion of employee from Accountant to Senior Accountant in the Sikkim Sub-ordinate Accounts Service Vide Office Order No. 05/Fin/SSAS, Dated 14.07.2020
Transfer of employee from Block Administrative Center Temi Tarku to Block Administrative Center Yangang Vide Office Order No. 04/Fin/SSAS, Dated 30.06.2020
Transfer of employee from Pay and Accounts Office, Gyalzing to Soreng under Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department Vide Office Order No. 03/Fin/SSAS, Dated 26.06.2020
Transfer of employee from Roads And Bridges Department to Finance Department Vide Office Order No. 02/Fin/SSAS, Dated 15.06.2020
The Governor, on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee is pleased to promote the following members of the Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service as Senior Accountant Vide Office Order No 56/Fin/SSAS Dated 18.03.2020
The Governor, on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee is pleased to promote the following Accountants in the Sikkim Sub-ordinate Accounts Service as Senior Accountant No 57/Fin/SSAS Dated 18.03.2020
The Governor, on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee is pleased to promote the following members of the Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service as Accountant.Vide Office Order No 58/Fin/SSAS Dated 18.03.2020
Employee of Urban Development Department Gangtok, Transfer to Department Of Personnel Gangtok. Vide Office Order No55/FIN/SSAS Dated:27.02.2020
Employee of Treasury Pay And Accounts Office East, Transfer to Roads And Bridges Department South. Vide Office Order No.54/FIN/SSAS Dated:26.02.2020
Officer temporarily attached to the District Hospital Mangan, as Drawing and Disbursing Officer. Vide Office Order No.123/FIN/Adm Dated:10.02.2020
The following members of the Sub-ordinate Accounts Service are hereby temporarily attached to the Budget Division of Finance Department, as testing team to take up the trial budget prepration for the fiscal year 2020-21. Vide Office Order No.51/FIN/SSAS Dated:17.01.2020
The following members of the Sub-ordinate Accounts Service in the grade-III (Junior Accountant/Cashier) are hereby promoted to Grade-II (as Accountant) of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Vide Office Order No.42/FIN/SSAS Dated:08.07.2019
The following members of the Sub-ordinate Accounts Service in the grade-II (Accountant/Chief Cashier) are hereby promoted to Grade-I (as Sr. Accountant) of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Vide Office Order No.41/FIN/SSAS Dated:08.07.2019
The Governor, on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee is pleased to promote the following members of the Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service as Senior Accountant in Level- 14 of the Pay Matrix. Vide Office Order No.35/FIN/SSAS Dated:28.02.2019
The Governor, on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee is pleased to promote the following members of the Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service as Accountant/Chief Cashier in Level-11 of the Pay Matrix . Vide Office Order No.34/FIN/SSAS Dated:28.02.2019
The Governor, on the recommendation of the Departmental Promotion Committee is pleased to promote the following members of the Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service as Junior Accountant/Cashier/ Sr. Storekeeper in Level-9 of the Pay Matrix . Vide Office Order No.33/FIN/SSAS Dated:28.02.2019
Temporarily attached a employee for the purpose of General election 2019. Vide Office Order No.291/Fin/Adm Dated:02.02.2019
Promotion of Grade II(Jr Accountant/ Chief Cashier) employees are Promoted to Grade I. Vide Office Order No.29/FIN/SSAS Dated:29.01.2019
Promotion of Grade III(Jr Accountant/Cashier/Sr. Storekeeper) employees are Promoted to Grade II. Vide Office Order No.28/FIN/SSAS Dated:29.01.2019
Corrigendum to Office Order No. 21/FIN/Acctts. Dated:17.12.2018 Vide Office Order No.23/FIN/Acctts. Dated:07.01.2019
Transfer and Posting of officers under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Vide Office Order No.20/FIN/Acctts. Dated:05.12.2018
Junior Accountant- Voluntary retirement from service. Vide Office Order No.19/FIN/Acctts. Dated:23.11.2018
In view of recent transfers and promotion in the Department, the distribution of works and assignments are hereby re-allocated as under in supersession of to all Office Orders issued on the subject. Vide Office Order No.177/Fin/Adm. Dated:23.11.2018
Transfer and Postings of Employees Under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Vide Office Order No.18/FIN/Acctts. Dated:20.11.2018
Transfer of Officers. Vide Office Order No.2512/G/DOP. Dated:16.11.2018
Transfer of Junior Accountant of Human Resource Development Department(HQ). Office Order No.17/Fin/Adm. Dated:16.11.2018
Promotion of members from Accountant to Sr. Accountant under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Office Order No.01/Fin/SSAS. Dated:10.04.2018
Promotion of members from Jr. Accountant to Accountant under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Office Order No.02/Fin/SSAS. Dated:10.04.2018
Transfer and Postings of members under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. Office Order No.14/Fin/Acct. Dated:02.01.2018
Re-employ of an employee in Sikkim Nationalized Transport Department, Siliguri Office Order No.13/Fin/SSAS. Dated:02.01.2018
Invitation for the discussion of development of new Sikkim Integrated Financial Management System (SIFMS V 2.0) Office Order No.357/Fin/Adm. Dated:11.12.2017
Corrigendum of Office Order No.9/Fin/SSAS. Dated:19.08.2017
Office Order: Transfer and postings of Members under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service(SSAS) O.O. No.10/Fin/Acctt. Dated:22.08.2017
Office Order: Transfer and postings of members under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service(SSAS) O.O. No.09/Fin/Acctt. Dated:19.08.2017
Office Order:Members of the Sub-ordinate Accounts Service in the grade III (Junior Accountant/Senior Storekeeper/Cashier) are promoted to Grade II (as Accountant) in Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service O.O. No.08/Fin/SSAS. Dated:19.08.2017
Office Order:Members of the Sub-ordinate Accounts Service in the grade II (Accountant/Chief Cashier) are promoted to Grade I (as Sr. Accountant) in Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service O.O. No. 07/Fin/SSAS. Dated:19.08.2017
Office Order:Promotion of employees under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service to post of Accounts Officer O.O. No. 2449/G/DOP. Dated:21.07.2017
Office Order:Transfer and postings of employees under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service O.O. No. 06/Fin/Acctt. Dated:05.07.2017
Office Order:Transfer and postings of employees under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service O.O. No. 05/Fin/Acctt. Dated:01.06.2017
Office Order:Promotion of grade IV Accounts Clerk/ Jr. Storekeeper to Grade III Junior Accountant/Sr. Storekeeper. O.O. No. 04 /Fin/SSAS. Dated: 12.05.2017
Office Order:Promotion of grade III Junior Accountant/Sr. Storekeeper to Grade II Accountant/Chief Cashier O.O. No. 04 /Fin/SSAS. Dated: 12.05.2017 O.O. No.03/Fin/SSAS. Dated: 12.05.2017
Office Order:Promotion of grade II Accountant/Chief Cashier to Grade I Sr. Accountant. O.O. No. 02/Fin/SSAS. Dated: 12.05.2017
Corrigendum: Corrigendum to O.O. No.28/Fin/Acctt. Dated:17/01/2017
Transfer And Postings Of Member Of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service. vide O.O. No.28/Fin/Acctt. Dated:17/01/2017
Transfer of Jr. Accountants vide O.O. No.25/Fin/Acctt. Dated:17/11/2016
Transfer of Senior Accountants vide O.O. No.23/Fin/Acctt. Dated:17/11/2016
Transfer of Accountants vide O.O. No.24/Fin/Acctt. Dated:17/11/2016
Transfer of Accounts Clerk vide O.O. No.26/Fin/Acctt. Dated:17/11/2016
Transfer of two Jr. Accountants vide O.O. No.22/Fin/SSAS. Dated:30/09/2016
Promotion of Accountants under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service vide O.O. No.21/Fin/Acctts. Dated:26/08/2016
Promotion of Accountants under Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service vide O.O. No.20 /Fin/Acctts. Dated:10/08/2016
Transfer of Jr. Accountant vide order No: 18/Fin/Acctts. Dated: 29.07.2016
Transfer of Accountant vide order No: 17/Fin/Acctts. Dated: 22.07.2016
Transfer List of Sr. Accountant vide order No: 07/Fin/Acctt. Dated: 07.06.2016
Transfer List of Accountant vide order No: 08/Fin/Acctt. Dated: 07.06.2016
Transfer List of Jr.Accountant vide order No: 09/Fin/Acctt. Dated: 07.06.2016
Transfer List of Accounts Clerk vide order No: 10/Fin/Acctt Dated: 07.06.2016
Transfer and posting of members of Sikkim Subordinate Accounts Service vide order No.63/Fin/SSAS dated. 08.03.2016
Transfer List of Sr. Accountant vide order No.57/Fin/Acctt dated. 04.01.2016
Transfer List of Accountant vide order No.59/Fin/Acctt dated. 05.01.2016
Transfer List of Jr.Accountant vide order No.58/Fin/Acctt dated. 04.01.2016
Transfer List of Accounts Clerk vide order No.60/Fin/Acctt dated. 05.01.2016
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service vide order No.50/Fin/Actt dated. 19.10.2015
Promoted to grade-I for the post of Sr. Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination vide order No.42/Fin/SSAS dated:27-06-2015
Promoted to grade-II for the post of Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination vide order No.43/Fin/SSAS dated:27-06-2015
Transfer List of Sr. Accountant vide order No.29/Fin/SSAS dated. 08.04.2015
Transfer List of Sr. Accountant vide order No.30/Fin/SSAS dated. 08.04.2015
Transfer List of Sr. Accountant vide order No.31/Fin/SSAS dated. 08.04.2015
Transfer List of Accountant vide order No.26/Fin/SSAS dated. 07.04.2015
Transfer List of Accountant vide order No.27/Fin/SSAS dated. 07.04.2015
Transfer List of Accountant vide order No.28/Fin/SSAS dated. 07.04.2015
Transfer List of Jr. Accountant vide order No.22/Fin/SSAS dated. 06.04.2015
Transfer List of Jr. Accountant vide order No.23/Fin/SSAS dated. 06.04.2015
Transfer List of Accounts Clerk vide order No.24/Fin/SSAS dated. 06.04.2015
Transfer List of Jr. Accountant vide order No.25/Fin/SSAS dated. 06.04.2015
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.18/Fin/SSAS dated. 02.12.2014
Promoted to grade-III for the post of Jr.Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination quota order No.11/Fin/SSAS dated:30.10.14
Promoted to grade-III for the post of Jr. Accountants against the Seniority quota order No.12/Fin/SSAS dated:30.10.14
Promoted to grade-II for the post of Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination quota order No.13/Fin/SSAS dated:30.10.14
Promoted to grade-II for the post of Accountants against the Seniority quota order No.14/Fin/SSAS dated:30.10.14
Promoted to grade-I for the post of Sr. Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination quota order No.15/Fin/SSAS dated:30.10.14
Promoted to grade-I for the post of Sr. Accountants against the Seniority quota order No.16/Fin/SSAS dated:30.10.14
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.03/Fin/SSAS dated. 14.08.2014
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.159/Fin/SSAS dated. 24.02.2014
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.158/Fin/SSAS dated. 6.02.2014
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.153/Fin/SSAS dated. 10.12.2013
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.150/Fin/SSAS dated. 06.09.2013
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.05 /Fin/SSAS dated. 04.07.2013
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.04/Fin/Acctt. dated:01.07.2013
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No. 03/Fin/SSAS dated:27-06-2013
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No. 02/Fin/SSAS dated:04-06-2013
Transfer of the member of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No.01/Fin/SSAS dated:18-05-2013
The Inter- Departmental transfer of the following members of Sikkim Subordinate and Accounts Service order No. 21/Fin/SSAS dated:13-03-2013
Promoted to grade-II for the post of Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination quota order No.17/Fin/SSAS dated:26-12-2012
Promoted to grade-III for the post of Jr. Accountants against the Seniority quota order No.16/Fin/SSAS dated:26-12-2012
Promoted to grade-III for the post of Jr. Accountants against the Limited Departmental Examination quota order No.15/Fin/SSAS dated:26-12-2012
Promoted to grade-I for the post of Senior Accountants. Dated:30-11-2012
Promoted to grade-I for the post of Senior Accountants. Dated:30-11-2012
Transfer Order - SSAS Part-I Dated:17-09-2012.
Transfer Order - SSAS Part-II Dated:17-092012.
Transfer List SSAS Dated:24-08-2012.
Transfer List SSAS Dated:4-07-2012.